
MicPlot is a Windows (can also be used on a Mac; see faqs) based PC program which generates a micplot for a show, and provides the following key features / benefits:

  • Minimises the number of mics / packs required for a show, while at the same time ensuring everyone who needs a mic has a mic.
  • Analyses all understudies to ensure mics are available if an understudy is on.
  • Finds all consequential changes of an understudy being on.
  • Optimises when any mic / pack swaps occur.
  • Supports last minute changes to a micplot while at the same time minimising the number of cast who will be effected by the changes.
  • Supports a number of rules which can be tailored by the sound designer. These rules include:
    • Minimising the total number of mics / packs.
    • Minimising the total number of swaps.
    • Minimising the number of fast swaps.
    • Maximising the number of swaps that occur during intervals.
    • Minimising the number of simultaneous swaps.
    • Minimising the number of refits.
    • Maximising the number of cast who don't swap.
    • Maximising the availability of a "spare" mic / pack.
    • Maximising actor projection matches.
    • Maximising actor vocal range matches.
  • Generates a number of outputs including:
    • A wall chart showing the entire show and when all the swaps occur.
    • Labels for all mics / packs.
    • Running orders for the sound crew.
    • Rehearsal tags which allow a micplot to be tested prior to bump-in.
    • Cast slips which are handouts for each actor detailing which transmitters and mics they use, who they get them from and when, and who they pass them on to and when.
    • Sample Excel output file generated by Micplot
  • Fast to use. By importing a Moves file, the first cut of a micplot can be created in about 6 mouse clicks.

Only US$120

(Current version = 3.0i)